A Republican #EpicDomainFail

Super Genius webmaster Cary Prague

An interesting South Windsor political story is currently going viral in both statewide and national alternative media. Let this post serve as a welcome and humorous break from wall to wall blackout coverage:

First reported on My Left Nutmeg, then picked up nationally by the Daily Kos, the South Windsor Republican Party website has been “Occupied” by a group calling itself “#OccupySouthWindsor”.

The question is: Who is responsible? According to documents filed by the South Windsor Republican Party to Connecticut’s Election Enforcement Commission, exclusively provided to the South Windsor Sentinel, reveal the true identity of the person at the heart of this nationwide story.

None other than South Windsor’s own technical genius (and South Windsor Sentinel reader), Cary Prague.

According to his bio found at Amazon.com, Prague is noted as an:

“internationally best-selling author and lecturer in the database industry.”

This reporter is unsure if that’s hype, but Prague is learning the hard way if you are really good at database development, you should stick with it. His apparent lack of baseline web skills has left the South Windsor Republicans at the mercy of the “Occupy” crowd. Allowing this to occur is proof positive Prague is but a Penguin wandering the arctic alone regarding web development.

After spending tens of thousands of dollars (seen here in SWRTC’s summer filing) on lawn signs polluting our streets and other ostentatious spending, Cary Prague and South Windsor Republicans should have carved out a couple hundred to protect their online brand simply by purchasing .com and .net presences.

7 thoughts on “A Republican #EpicDomainFail

  1. The fact that all the South Windsor Sentinel can do is parody one of the finest leaders the town of South Windsor has, is pathetic. Aside from Mr. Prauge’s professional accomplishments, and they are many, Mr. Prauge is also genuinely civic minded as well. The “Penguin Plunge” The Spelling Bee, The South Windsor Strawberry Fest and so many other projects has Cary Prauge poured his heart and soul in to with passion and enthusiasm. Cary does not seek photo ops or recognition for his selfless acts of volunteerism, he does it because he can and he enjoys the results that his hard work and leadership produce in and out of council chambers. The South Windsor Sentinel is of course a parody news site, it does not surprise me that they make a paraody of such a great man.

  2. The fact that this ignoramus spineless author “Wapping Penn” does nothing but spout lies, I will once again correct his errors. The claim that Cary Prauge and the South Windsor Republicans “litter” with they’re political signs is false and offensive. At least they follow the rules when it comes to placing they’re signs. Unlike the Dems in South Windsor who have biannually violated DOT laws by placing they’re signs in vacant lots, on State owned property and on owner’s property, against they’re wishes. The fact that the Democrats can’t follow simple procedural laws means they shouldn’t be in a position to lead and represent the citizens in the Town of South Windsor. Get your facts straight before spewing stupidity. It is better to have people think you are stupid than to open your mouth (or in this case blog) and remove all doubt.

  3. C Prague is in my opinion just a small time political bully who is interested in only himself. He advertises his business in the extravagantly produced rec. brochure that is mailed to everyone in town at great town expense, and his family members are employed by the rec. dept., but he sees no conflict in voting in favor of an ever increasing rec. budget, a rec. budget that includes a salary well in excess of 100k for the head of the department. You know, the same department head that pays his relatives salaries.

    While he has been on the council the cost to run the town has skyrocketed, at one time just half the education budget, we now spend more to run this little town than we do on our primary mission of educating our children – thanks Cary!

    And if you dare question one of his never been wrong decisions, all you get is behind your back vitriolic comments and lengthy legal battles to finally get to the correct decision. C. Prague is all about C. Prague, and is everything that is wrong with the small mindedness of the political climate that is an embarrassment to the hard working republican AND democratic citizens of this town.

  4. Wow,
    Somebody needs a fact check. The cost to run this town skyrockets when Democrats are on the Town Council and on the Board of Education, to feed the teacher’s unions and the teacher’s fattening pension accounts. Public information available suggests that since 1982, each and every single time the Democrats held the majority in the Town Council and the Board of Education, mill rates that affect property taxes in town and the educational budget ballooned. The majority of teachers in our town, do not even live in our town and therefore have no interest in how they’re salaries and benefits affect each and every single South Windsor resident, children included. The majority of the educational budget goes to union mandated payments, teacher’s pensions and tenured teachers, some of it goes to extracurricular activities such as the arts and athletics, while little is left for the education of our children. I also don’t draw a parallel between the Recreation Department and Cary Prauge. The Veterans Memorial Park, which includes a lavish swimming area is expensive to run and maintain, as are the buildings and programs that the South Windsor Recreation Department provides. I hardly believe the Recreation Department is our largest budgetary expense and therefore declare this author to be belligerent and ignorant. I have worked with Cary Prauge on many civic and political projects and hardly find him to be a bully. He is educated, a natural born leader but does not tolerate stupidity, he wants voters to be educated about the issues, which is why so much information is publicly available for voters to get the facts. You may want to try this before you make the Democrats look dumber than they already are.

  5. Hi Mr. Dziedzic,
    I think we need to find common ground. How do you declare an author to be belligerent and ignorant after reading a paragraph written by him? .I read the entry – written by my husband – and I agree on some points and disagree on others. I am trying to learn more about the budget, but I do think that waste is everywhere and we need to work together to find it. I think it ridiculous that our rec brochure costs around $12K..(correct me if I am wrong) .and most of the cost is paid for by user fees. I also understand that the rec dept “amasses” dollars from the user fees paid by us who use the rec programs. I do not understand why a specific rec program fee does not pay for that specific rec program. Period. I do not know yet why the rec dept would amass money at all and what the money is spent on, but I do think we as taxpayers and users deserve to know why our rec programs are so expensive. Cary Prague was the rec liaison to the town council some years back when the Bark Park was built. Somehow the town was quoted by the rec commission as approving up to $30K, but the rec dept spend over $45K…I do not know how they have the power. Do you? I thought that the town requires purchases to go out to bid. I attended a park and rec commission meeting last year and heard them speak of spending $300K on a skateboard park. I think the plan was to do it in two phases. I said that sounds like a lot of money – Deep River built a small one for $25K.. I do not know where the money is coming from…Do you?

    I had complained about the noise nuisance, the dogs, the cars and that the bark park was built by paid police officers, and paid town employees along with some volunteers. I and my neighbors were unaware a bark park was going there. I was given the run a round by town officials and Cary Prague’s emails – obtained through FOI – are disheartening as it appears that he was not really interested in “good faith” dialogue. I have copies of these emails that I would be glad to send to you to educate you. Today, I did send copies to Cary Prague to refresh his memory – you could ask him for them. I also do not understand you bash the Democrats. I think both parties should be working hard to expose waste and excessive salaries and do the best for SW together. I think both sides have politicians who have made mistakes, the point is to have dialogue and resolve issues and do the best for the town together.

    If you read the body of the email below and the attachments that follow I think you will begin to understand my concerns about Cary Prague has councilor. I feel that Cary Prague is concerned about Cary Prague, I feel that his emails show him as a person who has forgotten what an honor it is to sit on a town council. I feel that his mocking and name calling of me show him to be mean spirited.
    Dear SW neighbor,

    I know everyone is busy, but I am asking that you please give this email your attention as I feel that for our government to improve we all have to help it. For me, local politics has never been a Democrat/Republican issue…I vote for the man or the woman most qualified after some research.

    I feel that one of our current councilors, Cary Prague, behaves in a manner not becoming that of a town councilor. I have asked for and have not received an apology for the personal insults.

    I obtained the attached documents through the federal Freedom of Information Act. FOI searches make it possible for a resident to find out what their government is up to. Cary Prague says in one of his emails to the former chief of police says that “I think its time for our building officials to visit her (Nancy Yario & George Hill’s house)”. (Note: Our house – built mid 1980’s – has a failing foundation – we are doing extensive repairs). I do not think a politician should get involved in town building department visits.

    Cary Prague also emailed our former chief of police that state rep “Bill Aman was contacted by Nancy…He did tell her how to FOI stuff…Just so you know”. He also emailed our town manager, Matt Galligan, that “Nancy Yario is FOI ing everything on the Bark Park”. I would like to know why Cary felt it necessary to notify them?

    Cary Prague and rec director Ray Favreau in emails (attached) appear to make light of a nuisance issue that affects my enjoyment of my residence and of Never’s Park. I feel that this is mean spirited.

    Thanks for your time,
    Nancy Yario

    If you have questions for me – I am available. FYI: I feel it is a separate issue and it distresses me deeply, but my husband and I are involved in a lawsuit with the town because of the location of the Bark Park,…if you google map (20 Andreis Trail) you can see a good aerial picture of what we live with. The town’s only legal offer to us was a fence in our yard – which we did not accept as a remedy

  6. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The above named authors are George Hill and Nancy Yario, two of South Windsor’s biggest complainers. They had they’re 15 minutes of fame in the Journal Inquirer and have become hemorrhoids in town politics. Aside from the fact that all they eat are cheese and whine, Cary Prauge was merely standing up to these two idiots that were clearly in the wrong from the beginning. By the way, by saying a politician has no business getting involved with the condition of your home is outlandish, the building officials are employees of the town and Mr Prauge was simply pointing out that your home was becoming an eyesore, it just so happens that your home contains two eyesores that should move out of town. You have about as much right to FOI anything you please, that doesn’t mean won’t become annoyed by your badgering, it’s almost like the consumer reporters that go find tiny mistakes in retail establishments and then sue them for those mistakes, you are a nag and your husband only supports you because he doesn’t have the spine to think for himself. Just be advised Mr. Hill, you cannot by law allow your wife to vote for you…just so you know.

  7. Hey I got a great idea that I posed to Mr. Prauge tonight. Maybe the South Windsor Town Council should use eminent domain to raze Mr. Hill’s and Ms.Yarios homestead to EXPAND the Bark Park, he thought it was a great idea. Here’s hoping you’ll be enjoying Florida soon enough!

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